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How to Engage Students in Your Community

Students who host events with SODA and lead SODA chapters are often enthusiastic about being involved in their local donation community. Here are some ways you can engage these students to enhance your existing volunteer program and special events.
Ask students to participate in your volunteer opportunities
High school, college, and graduate students are frequently seeking volunteer hours. Here are some potential volunteer initiatives that OPOs have coordinated and our students have loved:
  • Making blankets for donor families
  • Hosting toiletry drives to create hospital care kits for donor families and transplant recipients
  • Writing hand-written notes for transplant patients
  • Being an advocate at off-campus registration drives
  • Providing clerical assistance at your office
Connect students with your rockstar volunteers
Do you have adult volunteers who are always looking for ways to support your mission? They can connect with students by:
  • Helping students register people at on-campus registration drives
  • Sharing their story at a SODA event or chapter meeting
Invite students to your special events
If you have an upcoming 5K or gala and are seeking more attendees, consider inviting students who lead SODA chapters in your service area! Please remind students that SODA offers grants to cover ticket costs and transportation associated with attending your events.
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